You may notice that throughout this journey, there is a very specific language, frequency, and resonance the words that I share. I feel the more you slow down and sync with your internal nature, the more you express yourself with refinement, and simplicity.
This expression to me feels very innocent, and I feel that it speaks to the part of your intelligence that is so pure. Initially to some, the resonance of these words may feel jarring, or unsettling the conscious mind, yet the oscillations and vibratory frequency of these words have the power to cut straight through to the bone and pierce through the subtle veils, matrixes, and programming.
These words are designed not to speak the language of the mind, but instead speak to the language of the body, conversing directly with your emotional, mythic, and original genetic memory. While initially, these words may feel unsavoury, they soon will become a balm for the body and the soul; as they will allow your body to soften and your natural intelligence to breathe, bringing you back into harmony and homeostasis, with the natural world.
The essence, intention, and choice of words.
In Origen, the intention is to express and radiate the truest expression of nature with eloquence. For this very reason, I do not attempt to censor any written or spoken words that I share, for to do so I would be distorting the pure expression of my own nature. Instead, I choose to embrace the natural rhythmic essence of my words and equally the choice of my words. Every audio, every written piece or creation is an intimate co-creation with the divine and I feel this is the only way I can truly share. Just like each vowel and consonant carries a specific vibrational tone, every word here in Origen carries a specific intention or meaning. All that is required is for you to do, when reading/listening is to soften, open and surrender to receiving their true meaning.
You may notice there are specific words that I use again and again. This is also very intentional. Each word acts as an energetic key to open up a new awareness or memory. There is power in repetition. This is something we have long forgotten, it is the reason why many of our myths, tales, and sonnets comprise of repeating patterns, words and sounds. These repetitions activate and re-ignite our dormant cellular memory, until it becomes more integrated and familiar to the conscious mind.
Rhythm and Cadence:
You may also notice there is a specific pace, rhythm, and cadence to my voice and the words that are being spoken. This slower pace acts as a guide, to support the calibration of your breath and your nervous system and to invite you into a moment of inner stillness and contemplation. Creating space for you to sync with your natural biological rhythm. By creating space, your frequency can expand.
As rhythm and breath slows down, space experiences and this allows for an elevated frequency to pass through the body.
The slower pace and the cadence of my voice, the more space will emerge between the words and equally it will open up more space between the worlds. This also facilitates more space for the listener (or receiver) to fully embrace the true meaning of each word.
What I share with you now, is as a remembering of the oral traditions. This is the remembrance of the ancient mystical arts and the power of storytelling. The remembrance of majesty and how to become intentional with your words. To utilise story and the spoken word to now awaken, expand, enliven and activate truth. To use your words to open up space in the body, and activate emotional, mythic, and cellular memory rather than to restrict or limit it.
"Language can be a weapon or a tool, depending on how you use them. It has been one of the most powerful weapons used to manipulate and distort our frequency band. Keeping us focused on a finite scale of notes. Hearing the same tones, the same notes, for centuries over. Keeping us cycling through the same experiences over and over. Keeping us looping in a HYPNOTIC state. Yet at the same time language when attuned can be the most powerful tools that you have to restore truth in your life. When you can personify your words, using intention to carry potent frequencies of truth - your words can pierce the hardest of hearts. They can carry light that removes distortions and restore remembrance in your cells. Words can instantly shift your physiology, to match and mimic the rhythm of nature. To sync with the heartbeat of the earth and to begin dreaming with her again.
An extract from “Attune Your Tongue”- Niamh Cronin
Yet now we are changing the script, as we remember how to choose our words, and expression wisely.
But as you journey deeper with me on this word journey, my intent is that you will become even more versed in your own natural language. You will become versed in the language of your own original nature or perhaps even remember your true mother tongue, a language beyond words entirely, a language that can only be felt and remembered as you enter a timeless infinite space.
So if you may, allow my words to be a catalyst for you as you embark on the inner quest to fine tune your own.
This is the nature of uncovering your true origins.
ORIGEN (C) 2023