Our human bodies were designed to be intuitive vessels so that we can feel and interpret vast amount of information in our environment. In today's word we are experiencing an emotional epidemic.
We have forgotten how to feel.
In some ways this is not our fault. We are holding onto so much suppressed emotional trauma and memory in our bodies. Our body is a store house of memory. It stores all emotional memory including that which is passed on from our parents, our ancestors and even our collective past.
As a result we have become so numb to feeling and we now live in a world operating from a very limited capacity to translate and connect with our environment and each other consciously. When an emotion is triggered, if we do not allow ourselves to feel the full spectrum of that emotion, it fragments causing us to disassociate and loose touch with our true sensory awareness.
Just as from childhood we can take on learned behaviours from our parents, as a collective we have taken on a very deeply engrained unhealthy human behaviour from our collective past- Suppression.
We have been conditioned and programmed unconsciously suppressed how we are feeling and how to relate to our emotions and yet now at this time more and more people are awakening. We are going through a massive planetary shift right now and as the frequency of the planet increases so too is the frequency in our bodies.
This means the rate at which our cells are vibrating is quickening causing what is dense in our field and once left dormant and hidden is now rising to the surface to be seen and felt. Many are beginning to feel this, particularly the sensitive ones. Those who have been going through their own awakening of sorts or have been on this path of personal development.
In the beginning when the senses begin to awaken, it can initially feel overwhelming. Many may experience this as anxiety, overwhelm and even depression.
It is important to remember that what is happening here is our sensory awareness is coming online. We are beginning to feel our inner and external environments more consciously.
What was once suppressed or numb within our bodies is beginning to be felt and we are beginning to feel a vast amount of other energies, frequencies and information in our external environment too. This can be very overwhelming for those who are not aware of what is happening within in them. Particularly if they do not yet have the awareness to translate and interpret what they are feeling.
This is where we must let go of the conditions and beliefs we hold around pain, emotional overwhelm, and states of anxiety and even depression.
Those that are awakening are beginning to feel again, the sensitive ones are the ones who are courageous enough to walk this path and discover that their feeling senses are the pathway to accessing more of their human potential.
Once we embrace them, our emotions will act as a mechanism to translate energy, frequencies and dimensional realities.
This is what we are here to remember.
Our emotions are the gateway to an array of infinite intelligence waiting to be rediscovered.
This intelligence wants to come alive in us again, as we re-integrate our true human emotions and synthesise this information we will begin to activate our true multi-sensory awareness giving us access to all forms of life, realities and we will begin experience living a multi-dimensional world.
It is important to remember that what I am sharing here is not a spiritual path. This is just the remembrance of coming back into our bodies, feeling what is arising and allowing ourselves to heal the pain, the wounds, the trauma that we are holding in our body.
As we allow ourselves to heal and to take up more space in our body, honouring our physicality, we will begin to access more of our true sensory awareness. Our senses will begin to speak to us in ways that are beyond the intellect. This is the point where we must unlearn everything that we have been told, because our senses and our feelings become a conduit to translate information that is beyond the visible spectrum.
For a long time, many sensitive beings, many sensitive people have been able to use their emotional intelligence and their extra sensory awareness to be able to navigate energetic realms, to navigate dimensional realities and have been very conscious that there is much more to this human existence than what we can see.
Yet, for the most part, as human beings, myself included, those senses have been shut down. We are at a point right now, where we are beginning to see this all around the world, that more and more people are suffering with extreme overwhelm, stress, anxiety, and even depression. What this is a sign of is that we are beginning to feel more in our bodies.
If we do not have the tools, if we do not have the awareness to translate what we are feeling, to consciously understand what is arising within us, whether that is suppressed emotional trauma that is being triggered now to be felt or to be healed or whether that is something in our external environment that we are sensing and detecting.
What we are lacking right now is the skills, it is the ability and the awareness to navigate our emotional experiences (because that is all they are). It's almost as if we are remembering how to translate our emotions and translate our feeling senses because in some ways it is like remembering an ancient language.
Now, in childhood, from the years of 1-8 years old, we naturally translate our environment through our emotions. It is after that we begin to translate our world through the conditional mind and we begin to shut down, in some ways, our natural abilities to feel and to navigate through our world. So in some ways, we're not learning anything new. We're simply remembering.
This process can only begin when we choose to feel and choose to embark on this courageous journey back into our body. This is not about adhering to any spiritual path, or teaching. It is not about following a particular framework or ideology. This is really the journey back into yourself and you finding your own orienting point, which is your fixed point in a spinning world, because that is within you.
This is the journey of allowing your own intuitive discernment. to develop in harmony with your nervous system. This very conversation goes against the grain of society and so to even be having this conversation and you listening to this right now, it means that you need to create more space to listen, to come back into your own body: to slow down and feel, because in today's society, to feel and to truly feel in some ways, we have been programmed that it is a weakness.
If we look to mental and emotional disorders and the conditional thinking around that, we see in some ways these people are pushed to the edge of society and they're not given the space, the awareness and even the tools to navigate what they are feeling consciously. In many of the indigenous cultures and tribes which, I have been lucky have the opportunity to spend time with, during different periods in my life. From working and spending time with these tribes, their understanding is that most of the sensitive people, the people who feel, the people who in western society are suffering with anxiety, depression, or perhaps even who are in a hospital suffering with mental conditions, they believe that these people are highly attuned sensitive and highly consciously evolved human beings that simply do not yet have the skills or the tools to navigate consciously what they are experiencing.
There is a lot that exists beyond the visible spectrum. I think in this day and age it's very naive of us to think that there is nothing else that exists beyond what we can see. This world, this planet is an ecosystem. It is a space that allows for many different dimensional realities to coexist and we're only beginning to realise that and in fact remember that.
Today, I would say that it's taken me many years to integrate my extra-sensory awareness. I can now see and consciously integrate what I'm feeling and sensing in any given moment and this is a continuous journey. There's always more to learn. We are always evolving and it doesn't necessarily mean that it is easy, but it's the only path that I can walk. It's the only way that I feel we can truly reintegrate and access our true sensory awareness so that we can begin to connect with each other consciously.
For when we begin to integrate our sensory awareness consciously, we realise that we are all connected and that there is an infinite web of intelligence that runs through every living thing and that same intelligence that allows your heart to beat, is the same intelligence that allows for the flowers in your garden to grow. It's the same intelligence that exists in the glass of water that you drink and as we remember this, we will begin to consciously understand our interconnectedness with everything.
Now there are many different esoteric teachings that have been passed down throughout the ages and much of what I'm sharing, (my own journey) has been one of really surpassing those things and ultimately coming back to the body, coming back to direct experience and beginning to to really unravel and unlearn and allow our body and the intelligence within us to be translated to be felt and to be experienced directly.
This is an important conversation to be had and I think that many are feeling called to have this conversation. Many are beginning to connect with the resonance of what I'm sharing because they have reached a point in their own personal journey, they've done a lot of personal development work, they've studied many different ideologies, teachings and different spiritual paths and what they're finding is that what is awakening and coming alive in them is beyond any reference point that can be found in the outside world.
That is what is awakening in us all right now is far more primal, it's far more ancient and it surpasses anything that man has tried to write or create or attempt to describe it.
For a long time, I've held back from sharing my own direct experience, from sharing my truth around integrating my own remembrance and accessing my own extra-sensory awareness, out of fear of being misunderstood, out of fear of being put into a box. Or perhaps others thinking that what I'm sharing is akin or similar to a spiritual teaching or path and in fact, much of my journey has been about unlearning and unraveling from the conditional cultural thinking, and that includes conditional spiritual teaching and embracing what is arising from within and seeking out direct experience.
The antidote for the overwhelm right now is direct experience and it is the calling, the whispers that are calling us back to nature. When you sit by the ocean for a few minutes or just even a few moments, you will notice how your body naturally relaxes and naturally syncs with the rhythm of the ocean and that is no coincidence because there is a natural intelligence and there's a natural rhythm in nature that corresponds with the natural intrinsic genetic memory that exists in our body. That is why many people are feeling the call back to nature.
When I say back, it's not about going back in time to how we used to live as human beings. It's actually about coming back to the source and to the roots and back into ourselves so we can connect with our nature. (And that has no reference point).
So I speak and I share now purely from a place of direct experience, purely to share what is possible and yet honoring everyone else's truth too. I share this now because so many people are experiencing what I went through in the last eight years. So many people are moving through their own personal exploration of navigating their emotions and accessing more of their sensory awareness and they're not necessarily resonating with a lot of the frameworks of the teachings that are in the outside world.
Now it is a time to create a conversation around this. It is a time to create a space where we can explore this consciously, but to do it in our own way, that honours our own sovereignty, that honours our own autonomy, that gives you the opportunity to be empowered within yourself.
This is what Origin is.
Origin is a space where we can creatively express our truth in whatever form it wishes to be expressed, because creativity is the conduit for this intelligence to be experienced. When you access your creativity, you're accessing a part of your primal awareness, your primal energy that allows you to create, that allows you to tap into the infinite. Your creativity is the energy. that allows for thought to be made manifest. It is creativity is what allows matter to restructure itself and to create what you are desiring into form. This is just another remembrance of how powerful we are to create and direct our path in life.
So I will leave you with that.
If there is anything that you take away from this piece, is to trust and know that even in your darkest, deepest darkest moments, or the moments of extreme stress and overwhelm and even depression, to understand that there is a primal and innate process that is taking place. If you embrace what is arising, if you allow yourself to feel it and move through it, and trust that you will develop the knowing and the skills along the way and if you embrace this emotional journey, that the tools, the resources, the mentors, the communities will show up and that you are not alone. Remember, you are not alone because we are all going through this emotional epidemic right now and it's a fabulous time to be alive. As each and every one of us feels all of it, we will allow ourselves to enter into a very new space we we will begin to feel and connect to each other at a whole new level.
So I will leave you at that and look forward to sharing more in the next audio so that you can go on a deeper inquiry into yourself and find your own truth and meaning.
Le Grá,
With Love,
ORIGEN (C) 2023
For anyone who's listened to this that is going through or knows someone who is going through a particularly challenging emotional time right now, it is important that you or that person receives the support that they need to navigate through this time. You are not alone. There are people, there are communities, and there are tools available to support you in integrating this experience. So if that is you and you are seeking more guidance and support, then please reach out to a friend, reach out to a family member, reach out to your mentor, and know that I and this community in origin is always here to support you. So feel free to reach out to us at any time with any of your concerns or questions, because we are a family, in this together.
* Disclaimer* This audio does not intend to treat, support, or dig-nose any mental/emotional conditions, please seek the appropriate advice and guidance from a trained physician.